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The 5 Biggest Fears About Starting Your Own Parent Coaching Business
Katie Owen • Oct 18, 2023
The 5 Biggest Fears About Starting Your Own Parent Coaching Business

Starting a business can be like standing on the edge of a cliff, gazing at the vast unknown. It's an exhilarating blend of excitement and fear. While the entrepreneurial journey promises adventure and success, it's also a road paved with challenges and uncertainties. 

Countless would-be business owners have found themselves unfortunately held back by deep-seated fears. The truth is, many incredible people talk themselves out of running their own business before they ever get a chance to try. 

For every parent coach who talks themself out of fully committing to the business side of their passion, there is a family who doesn’t get the transformation that particular coach would have guided them through. So, instead of giving the power over your future to fear, let's uncover the five most common entrepreneurial ones and demystify them.

1. Fear of Financial Failure

What it is: This is perhaps the most palpable and daunting fear. Starting a business requires investment, and there's always the looming question: “What if I don’t make money?” And while the investment in starting a parent coaching business is relatively low compared to most other ventures, it still requires investment.

The Reality:
Yes, there's financial risk involved in any business endeavor. However, you can avoid potential pitfalls with proper planning, research, and well-thought-out financial choices. Parent coaching doesn’t require the tens of thousands of dollars in investment to get started that other businesses do, which keeps the financial risk low. And the opportunities to earn a living as a parent coach are nearly endless. There are myriad ways to finance your dream and countless tools and resources available to help you make decisions that are right for you and your family.

2. Fear of Inadequacy 

What it is: The voice in your head whispers, "Are you good enough? Do you have what it takes?" This fear stems from self-doubt, questioning your abilities and worthiness. But it’s not the voice of reason, so don’t give it your attention as though it were. Everyone has this voice, but not everyone believes it.

The Reality: Every entrepreneur, no matter how successful, has felt like an imposter at some point. Feeling out of depth is natural, especially when delving into uncharted territories. Every parent coach out there wishes they could magically start with several years of experience under their belts. Just remember that expertise is honed over time. Everyone starts at the beginning. Continuous learning, seeking mentorship, and embracing failures as learning experiences will bolster your confidence. The business world respects resilience and adaptability over perfection (especially since perfection doesn’t exist).

3. Fear of the Unknown

What it is: This fear revolves around the unpredictable nature of the business world. “What if the market for coaches changes? What if I can’t find enough clients?”

The Reality: Uncertainty is a part of life, no matter what career you choose. While predicting every shift or challenge is impossible, having a flexible business model and an endless supply of potential clients (parents everywhere) can help you pivot when necessary and expand your offerings as you move forward. Lean into adaptability, and don’t stop looking for exciting new opportunities to connect with potential clients. Starting a parent coaching business isn’t nearly as complicated as you might think.

4. Fear of Rejection and Criticism

What it is: The fear of being judged or rejected by peers, clients, or anyone else can be paralyzing. “What if people don’t understand what parent coaching is? What if I get negative reviews?” 

The Reality: Criticism, though hard to swallow, can be a gold mine of feedback. Constructive criticism can guide ways to improve your marketing and your business. Every coach may have their critics—it's impossible to please everyone. What's essential is to remain rooted in the value your business provides and continuously seek ways to enhance what you offer. Stay rooted in your values and your vision for a world full of peaceful parents raising empathetic, emotionally intelligent, confident children. Let your mission guide you beyond the bumps in the road.

5. Fear of Overcommitment

What it is: Starting and running a business demands time, energy, and a slice of your soul. The fear here is: “Will I lose my personal life? Will I burn out?” “Will I have enough time for my kids?”

The Reality:
Effective time management is crucial as a parent coach, as in any endeavor that demands a significant portion of your life. One of the beautiful things about this work is that you get to decide your hours and your schedule. That’s one of the reasons why we believe becoming a parent coach is one of the best possible business opportunities for parents. 

Learning to set boundaries will allow you to maintain a work-life balance, more so than in employment settings that lack flexibility. It's crucial to prioritize what’s important to you and ensure you have downtime to recharge. A well-rested parent coach with a balanced schedule is much more effective than a burnt-out one.

So, while these fears are common and entirely valid, it's important to remember they are also totally surmountable. Behind every successful business is a tale of challenges, uncertainties, and fears faced head-on and overcome. Embrace the fears, understand their roots, and harness them as catalysts to prepare, learn, and grow.

Starting a business as a parent coach is a leap of faith that can give you the kind of flexibility, freedom, and financial resources that will change your life. With determination, resilience, and adaptability, you can chart a path to fulfilling, successful, lucrative work, making all the fears and apprehensions worth it.

If you’re looking for a business opportunity that allows you to harness all the possibilities owning your own business can offer and allows you to do truly meaningful work in the world, check out our FREE ebook,
How to Become a Peaceful Parenting Coach!

Kiva Schuler

Meet Your Author, Katie Owen

Jai Business Coach & Marketing Mentor

As a former practicing therapist turned copywriter and marketing strategist, Katie is passionate about the intersection of marketing and mindset. Katie embodies the practices of taking the simple actions, consistently over time, that create epic results.

A master storyteller, Katie works with our coaches to refine their message, increase their visibility and get clients! 



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